emotion, mindful

Don’t Worry About What Others Think of You

by Sadhguru

Sheung Shui, hong kong

Lucy’s words:

I’m a bit bothered by other’s behaviours these days and I feel quite insecure. And I hope Sadhguru’s words could give you some inspiration and hope.

If you are worried about what someone is going to think about you, you will not do anything in life.

First of all, do you really know what is happening behind your back? Or do you only imagine what could be happening? Stop imagining. If someone is thinking something about you, it is their problem, not yours. Their thoughts are their problem. Let them think whatever they want.

Do you think you are that interesting that everyone is thinking about you all the time? And if no one is thinking about you, that is utter freedom. Why are you thinking through what they may be thinking? It is not necessary. Just focus on what you want to do. Let others think whatever they want. Maybe they have nothing better to think about, so they are thinking about you. It is largely in your imagination that someone is always thinking about you. 

Most people are busy with their own problems. They are not thinking about you, and that is fine. It does not matter if someone is thinking about us. Do not worry about other people. You cannot fix what they are thinking. So, why bother about it?

Leave their psychological problems to them. Do not try to solve them. They can think whatever nonsense they want. Why should it affect who you are? If you think you are okay, it is fine. If others think you are not, it is their problem. 

If you are worried about what someone is going to think about you, you will not do anything in life. You can never get everyone’s approval to do what you want to do. So, do not worry about that. Just focus on what you want to do.

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